It's Bakersfield Blaze just such a strange time
Today, we were supposed to be flying out from spring training, all excited for the start of a new period and on the plane to Milwaukee for Opening Day. As the weeks go on, all of us are going to be missing baseball more and more. I miss playing already. I miss getting around the guys. It's why I believe you have to keep your human brain moving in some way. Athletes are in such a marathon mode during the season and now we have to turn that mentally off, while still keeping physically fit. It's
Bakersfield Blaze just such a strange time. The more all of us can stay connected
High Desert Mavericks to others, the better we all are. Whether you are a professional athlete or a enthusiast, just trying to stay positive right right now, it is so important to keep moving any way you can. You can be in your living room, doing pushups and situps. Maybe you don't work out. Just do something to remain active as a way of not just falling into a hole because it's very easy to do that. We're all used to socializing on a regular basis. But right now, we are not. We are at home and it is easy to simply sit around and do nothing, but for me, that just doesn't work. My message and biggest piece of suggestions: Get into some sort of routine, daily, to get you through so you're not just wasting away time. Somehow make the most of this forced downtime. We have to keep moving and keep people encouraged.
COVID-19 Logo Sports usually does that. Sports brings people together who normally would not even think
Inland Empire 66ers about conversing or socializing. Not having sports is so strange. But we have to stay connected.